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Dr Donnie Cameron

Lecturer in Clinical Magnetic Resonance Physics

Donnie is a physicist who is working to support and develop imaging research, in various fields, throughout Norwich Research Park. His interests range from the purely technical to clinical applications, and include computer-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) simulations, improvement of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques for assessment of breast cancer, quantitative skeletal muscle imaging, and MRI characterisation of cardiac tissue in patients with heart failure, myocardial infarction, and acute stress-induced cardiomyopathy. His current work largely focuses on the development of new MRI and MRS methods to achieve excellent data quality and faster scan times.

Examples of his recent and upcoming work in the field of cancer include:

  • Comparison of different diffusion MRI methods for identifying, localising, and grading prostate cancer lesions.
  • Correction of diffusion MRI distortion to improve prostate cancer localisation and specificity of diffusion MRI measures.
  • Development of novel MRI methods for predicting ovarian cancer.

Imaging of magnetic nanoparticles for cancer theranostics.


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